The story of the shoe and the sock.

Once upon a time, there lived a man. The man had a shoe and a sock on his shelf. The shoe was over proud of himself, while the sock was doing her job.
One day, the shoe and the sock had a fight last night. The shoe said, I'm more better than you. I am very handsome and I am also the man's favorite shoe while you are just an ugly and smelly sock!
The sock replied, my friend, the sock continued... we are both protecting the man's foot. And we both should be proud together. Don't be so over proud of yourself. Said the sock. But the shoe didn't listen to the sock and said, we are not friends! I am trying to be the most handsome shoe all around the world! The sock became worried.
One evening, the man wanted to have an evening walk. So he put on his socks, and also put on his shoes. The man then started to take an evening walk. While the man was walking, the shoe started to think how can he be the proudest shoe of all. While he was thinking about that, a rat came running. He saw that the shoe didn't noticed him coming towards him of thinking how can he be the proudest shoe. The rat then thought, maybe I can tear this shoe as he is not noticing that I am coming towards him. He said to himself. Then he started to try nibbling the shoe. The shoe got hurt.
Then the shoe started to get rid of this rat. So, slowly, the shoe became lose and helpless. As he was paying attention to get rid of this rat. 
Then, the shoe completely became helpless and lose and started to roll around the thick thorny grass.
The rat also started to roll around the grass. The sock protected the man's foot. If the man didn't put on his socks, he could have got hurt on the thick thorny grass. But the man didn't got hurt because of his socks. But still... the sock was only proud for a little bit. The man then came running for the shoe and finally caught the shoe.
The shoe was saved. The man came back home and  kept the sock and the shoe on his shelf.
The shoe felt very ashamed. He realized his mistake. The shoe said, sorry my dear friend. I acted really strange. Now I will not be over proud of myself. Sorry. Please forgive me. The sock replied, I forgive you. Now, we can work together. The shoe agreed.
Now, for next time onward, the shoe and the sock worked really well together and was only proud together.


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