The End of the Session 2022-23(Class 4 edition)

Hello Everyone!
Today I am writing about the end of this session 2022-23. 
I was studying in class 4 this session and it was also the very first offline session for me in DPSG!
It was also one of the best session ever because we class 4 students  actually had the very first carnival in DPSG! 

We had many competition and special assemblies this session and I also got to see my friends in offline. Due to the pandemic we had to do our classes online the session before this one so I only got to see my friends online so this is also a reason that this session was the best because this time I got to see my friends offline!

This session we also got to play in the park every week! My section got to play every Tuesday.
We had swimming classes every Tuesday from the month of April till June in the summer but after the summer vacation, they soon made a new timetable on the month of August and the swimming classes were postponed to every Friday, but it was still fun.

I had my last swimming class on September 30 2022 and after that I was not able to swim because I started to catch colds.  

Swimming classes were cancelled at about the month of November and we started to have sports every Friday. We played basketball and the most of the boys played football on that day. We also had sports classes every Tuesday. We had to go to our respective sport classes. I chose Taekwondo as my respective sport.

This session I also got to be the class monitor for the month of April to August. It was also my very first time being a class monitor. I was also the best class monitor in my class and everyone was proud of me. 

This session was surely great and I am going to miss it. But I am hoping that the next session (2023-24) will be even better! For now, Bye!


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