My Summer Vacation Journey

Hello everyone! Welcome back! Before I start, I wanted to say something important. I won't be writing any posts from nowadays because I am too busy and school is going to reopen soon after the holidays . But still, I may be writing one or two posts but I will not keep sending posts everyday. Okay everyone. Today I will be talking about my summer vacation journey which means, how is my summer vacation going ahead. My summer vacation started on 12th of June. On my last day of school before summer break, we had a small class party on break period. It was also one of my classmate's birthday that day. We brought chocolates, chips, candy and many more! Then, it was 12th of June and it was the starting and the very first day of the summer vacation holidays. My cousin came to my flat that day and we had so much fun! We decided to go to Sarthebari on the vacations so we went to Sarthebari on 13th of June right after the first day of summer break. It was raining very heav...