Two little puppies and the deer.

Once upon a time, there lived a deer in a forest. The deer was very unhappy and very upset though he cannot find any friends. He can find food, but for the rest of his life, he lived very unhappily. 

One day, while the deer was resting, two little puppies were coming in the forest. The deer became overjoyed and had told the two little puppies that he can also be a friend. The two little puppies agreed and the deer also joined them too. They eat together, they play together, etc. The deer also has some talents . He can run very fast, he can flip, and he can do anything. The first little puppy was proud of him for talents even she cannot do anything but the second little puppy was very upset and very angry. 

The second little puppy was very jealous. One day, she thought of a plan. She went to a beautiful pond and there she saw a partridge. The second little puppy told to the partridge that, Oh little partridge. Can you cover the sun by putting clouds on it so that today there will a very windy storm? She asked. The partridge was very simple. He said, yes little puppy, will do it. Said the partridge. Then the second little puppy walked away.

So, the partridge flew up in the sky, covered the sun by putting many clouds on it and flew back to his pond. While the deer and the first little puppy were talking about where the second little puppy had gone, the second little puppy came to them and told to them, come on guys I prepared myself that we will have a picnic for us. Said the second little puppy. The first little puppy and the deer agreed.

So, the three friends went for the picnic. While they were eating the storm had arrived. It was very windy it was like, animals would fly up in the sky. The three friends have to keep moving so that they do not fly. Then, the second little puppy thought that, it was her luck. She told to the deer that, oh my friend deer, please wait here while we will try to handle this storm. We will be back soon. Do not move.

The deer agreed. The first little puppy was also very simple but she also had a rope just in case of an emergency. Now, the second little puppy now thought that, they will run away from the deer and the deer will fly up in the sky and he will die. The deer was waiting unhappily worried about his friends.

Suddenly, the deer started to fly on the left side and the deer was asking for help. HELP ME! 

HELP ME! He was screaming. Well the second little puppy didn't realize that the first little puppy had a rope. Just a moment, the first little puppy heard the deer screaming. Asking for help. Then the first little puppy quickly got the rope and the deer and pulled the deer to them. The second little puppy was not moving and she was flying high up in the sky asking for the first little puppy's help.The deer also wanted to help her. But in vain. The rope could not reach her because it was not that long as the second little puppy was high up in the sky.

The second little puppy knew that the deer was also trying to help her and the second puppy died. As she lost a true friend while the two friends lost a friend. 

Moral: Never be jealous or if you make a plan, then you will hurt yourself instead.

                                                            THE - END


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